Friday, November 4, 2022

Why IDK?


    For as long as I care to remember, there has been an overbearing feeling, and that exact feeling has been I don't know. It could have been from years of emotional instability or just a lack of knowledge in regard to my own emotional intelligence. But I must get to the point of all this, I want to write but with a purpose. The purpose is to share my writings and other creative endeavors. Also, to attain feedback from possible viewers of this blog. Connection is important to me, as well as keeping me accountable to continue this venture. 

    Now, I will be attempting many projects, such as a comic book, a couple short stories, and even a cartoon. This blog will be there to keep track of it all and will serve as a way to keep to my own schedule with updates on the projects and their eventual release. My writing style is of matter of fact, because that is just how my brain has to function. I may get sappy, witty, and perhaps make you ponder (well, that is at least a goal of mine.). 

    The said feedback I hope to receive from potential viewers would aid me in not only improving for myself but for my concurrent viewers. It will also help me in keeping consistent as I would feel there is a community out there. Connecting to my potential audience would be a beautiful thing to not only witness but to truly experience. Feedback has and always will be the way in which anyone can see the value or lack thereof in what they do. 

    I'm excited to start this journey that many have already started, but why not try it. I can't wait to show you all what I have in store for this page. The content should be interesting, and if it is not than simply turn away. I'd understand. 

Signing out,

The Mastiff

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Why IDK?

          For as long as I care to remember, there has been an overbearing feeling, and that exact feeling has been I don't know. It cou...